You can email the Petitioners at:

Supporting only Network Candidates, that do not support “NEW DAY” (Corporate Takeover).

For the RECALL PETITION, learn and please go here to sign :

(Requires 2% of whichever class of membership; from Listeners and or from Staff. whichever class that Board Members belongs to.

See below KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles, CA LSB-Local Station Board Candidates to avoid:

Please be aware that your vote must not be given to any of these current 15 New Day Listener Candidates for KPFK: Christina Avalos, Michael Bressler, Vinnie De Stefano, Steven Meeks, Nancy Niparko MD, Adam Wolman, Carlos Zavala. Staff Candidate: Myla Reson and Vic Gerami.

Here are Listeners and Staff Candidates to vote for with image and Statements.

KPFK 90.7 FM Candidates that do not support “New Day”, please vote for them.  

Please seriously vote for these candidates in the order listed. Staff can only be voted by the same class of Staff Membership.

Value # 1 – Ian Johnston, # 2 – Jack Neff, # 3 – Denis P. Recendez,

# 4 – Marisol Beilma, #5 – Jack Neff, Roberto Diaz, # 6 – Todd Williams,

# 7 – Sasha Karlik, # 8 – Ahjamu Makalani, # 9 – Diana Parmeter,

# 10 – JJack Artz and # 11 Rick Cooper.

Candidate Image/Statements/Contact:

KPFK Candidate: #1 for Ian Johnston

Español Prev Ian Johnston© Next

Contact Ian Johnston©


First I was a longtime listener to KPFK, then a volunteer, and eventually non-union paid staff. I created a successful show – Another WorldView Is Possible, and was later elected to the LSB, twice.
I was also illegally (criminally) suspended from the LSB, twice – for whistleblowing on blatant criminality and malfeasance. Telling the truth, even about the shenanigans at KPFK, only earns you friends, amongst the well-informed audience. I resigned in disgust, as Democratic party stooges took control of the station, the network, and its governance – and then watched as they’ve run things into the ground, ever since. They hijacked the network, and destroyed a once significant audience, that I had helped to build.
Since then, I’ve mostly just stopped listening, and I’m not alone in that. I feel like I often know more BEFORE listening to some of KPFK’s shows, than I do afterwards. Disinformationalists have been elevated to prominence, and allowed to linger on our air, endlessly collecting paychecks, for driving the audience away. And make no mistakes about it, the malignant cabal that has ruined things over the past decade and more, wants to continue with that model – replacing listener-sponsors with Foundation funding – that compromises our mission-compliance and destroys what once made Pacifica a last bastion of truth, in a sea of corporate media lies.

Since I walked away from Pacifica, more than a decade ago, the malfeasance and cancerous ROT has only gotten worse. How many current PNB Directors, and LSB Members in the network, have exceeded their elected terms, and still remain, in violation of bylaws mandated term limits?
While “New Day” has promulgated the BIG LIE that democratic listener governance, and listener elections have brought Pacifica to ruin, that cannot possibly be the case. We had democratic processes and oversight, when our listenership and relevance were at their all-time peaks.
The problems at Pacifica are with compliance and fidelity to our bylaws and election rules. One slate wants to scrap our elections, and to pack our boards with hand-picked Democratic party hacks, who’ll vote as they’re told. Another slate wants to cheat in our elections, so they can install unqualified neophytes and political operatives – who’ll also vote as they’re told. We need a return to INDEPENDENT, conscientious governance, that places the mission and compliance with the bylaws ahead of political considerations, whether external or internal. The Bylaws require listener candidate statements to be played in ‘carts’, on-air, in a rotation, during times of significant listenership. How many have you heard, during this election?

The problems at Pacifica can be FIXED. But I can’t do it alone.


KPFK Candidate: #2 for Jack Neff



KPFK Candidate: #3



KPFK Candidate: # 4



KPFK Candidate: #6 Jack Neff

spañol Prev Jack Neff Next

Contact Jack Neff


I am Jack Neff and KPFK radio works best when it broadcasts diverse voices providing censored news, critical education, and soul-stirring entertainment from a local and global perspective. I love KPFK because it gives voice to people from all walks of life, from perspectives which are directly engaged in the struggles for existence and dignity. KPFK and radio in general create solidarity for people living in our common struggle to get information, education, access to the big world around us and enjoy some entertainment.
KPFK is free radio, without broadcasting commercials. I appreciate listener-sponsors pay the bills at KPFK. It takes work to accomplish our mission within financial constraints. My job as a litigation paralegal has taught me to scrutinize various interests and to analyze financial documentation, to look at data critically, with a professional eye. Every situation is different, and the important elements are always the values of the people involved.

The KPFK Local Station Board (“LSB”) is a democratic committee created under the bylaws of the Pacifica Foundation National Board (“PNB”) so listener-sponsors and KPFK staff can be involved in KPFK decision-making. In Southern California 98% of the commercial radio market is about corporate-controlled for-profit messages. KPFK is the exception to media censorship and KPFK’s LSB should support the PNB mission of a not-for-profit radio station, listener-supported and independent.

Critical issues face KPFK and the country. KPFK listeners need information and KPFK needs revenue. I agree KPFK needs to attract new, younger listeners with younger voices driving for increased numbers of smaller pledges, driven by premiums from the Pacifica Archives.

Work and cooperation between management, the LSB and paid KFPK on-air staff are needed to create a wide-ranging publicity campaign to show the wide world of LA radio listeners that censored information, critical education, diverse analysis and shake-it-up entertainment are always there on KPFK. If a new publicity campaign can show that the world really needs KPFK and the PNB mission, the LSB is doing its job.

KPFK is an educational organization airing voices for peace, justice, liberation, self-inquiry, skepticism and real-time political struggles as they happen on live radio. KPFK is the only reliable radio media outlet giving regular air time to voices from incarcerated communities, the transportation-dependent, disabled, labor, feminists, Native-Americans, alternative cultures and to political progressive. KPFK is also changing the system by broadcasting censored voices in English and Spanish, which reflects the population realities of 2015 in Los Angeles. I love KPFK’s gumbo of programming which educates children, techno geeks, youth from various immigrant backgrounds and has music shows for almost every taste. KPFK’s website archive uploads programming on the internet for 60 days after broadcast, making KPFK unique radio. A publicity campaign should use KPFK’s website to bring round-the-clock, real-time live stream reporting from Southern California to the world.

I am with Grassroots Community Radio Coalition I encourage listener-sponsors to vote for my fellow candidates. Please help make the LSB serve KPFK and our KPFK communities.


KPFK Candidate: #5



KPFK Candidate: #7



KPFK Candidate: #8



KPFK Candidate: # 9



KPFK Candidate: # 10



KPFK Non New Day Staff Candidates: (only Staff can vote for Staff Candidates) #1 Jeanine Rohn, #2 Ninel Centeno, #3 Brenda Martinez and #4 Kirby Washington.

 KPFK Staff Candidate: # 1 Jeanine Rohn

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Contact Jeanine Rohn


I believe I’m a unique staff candidate in this election. I am new to programming and staff, as I just began producing and hosting “Working Voices” labor show in May. However, I currently serve on the LSB as a listener. Unlike many of the LSB, I have been deeply involved at the local and national level for the past 5 years. I volunteer with the Outreach Committee canvassing at events and the in-person Town Hall. I was elected Secretary to the board and served for 2 years in that position. I then eventually joined the board. I have been a member of the local Finance Committee and reconstituted and chair the Fundraising Committee. The changeovers of the GM position recently made it difficult to implement many of the fundraising initiatives. However, I was able to reignite the phone-banking efforts (outreach to elapsed donors) and hold the online holiday auction last fall. 
On the national level, I was elected in 2021 to both the PNB Audit Committee and the Elections Committee where I served as Lawrence Reyes’ Secretary. I organized and chaired the PNB Elections Committee Task Force to record that year’s election issues as well as advocate to the National Election Supervisor and the PNB for remedies. I was also elected LSB Treasurer by a strong majority this past December. I have not yet been allowed to participate at the PNB Finance Committee in that capacity, however I’m extremely comfortable in fiscal review and oversight.
I’m a union-member and work professionally in independent film as a producer. Strong storytelling that serves to empower its audience has been a huge part of my life. There was a need for KPFK to have a labor program. I have a passion and experience with worker’s rights. Being able to act on that need and create an on-air program organically seems only possible at a Pacifica station. My appreciation for the staff and programmers has deepened now that I’m working through challenges for the show myself (mechanics, research, promotion, etc.) The passion is palpable at the station and on-air. I’m honored to be a part of it – and would be honored to now use my skills and experience to represent the programmers & staff. I am very familiar with the procedures of the board and committees – as well as much of the politics and personalities. I know how to stand strong for our mission and bylaws, diverse programing, and work within the system to move forward on issues to benefit the staff & programmers, the station and foundation.

Please know that I will fight to keep our building and station intact – with our programming accessible to all communities. I’m dedicated to bringing all the passion and experience I have to protect the foundation and growing the station.

I greatly appreciate your support. Thank you –


KPFK Staff Candidate: #2 Ninel Centeno



KPFK Staff Candidate: #3 Brenda Martinez

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Contact Brenda Martinez


I am running for a seat on the KPFK Board to use my years of organizational experience to help guide the future of this great station. I enjoy working with people, I know how to get along with others, and to find creative solutions for complex problems. I can help forge compromises when necessary. I have experience in advocating for campaigns that I believe could help move the station forward in a positive way.

I have 15 years of experience as a parent advocate.I have been an organizer and advocate for environmental issues that could impact our future generations for years to come at the local, state and federal level. I am a founding member of Fiber First LA, seat in my neighborhood council, have chair The Transportation and Environmental Committee and I am a homelessness Liaison.

I ran a community garden in a food desert community. I believe Public Radio it’s the best avenue to exercising our Freedom of Speech & Bring Equity to All. I would appreciate your support and your vote.


KPFK Staff Candidates: #4 Kirby Washington
