You can email the Petitioners at:

Join This Recall Petition to Clean Up Corruption.

To Endorse this Petition, please click the link below at:

Also, to check out the 2024 Pacifica Foundation, Inc Network Wide Candidates running in opposition to the New Day Pacifica Stealth Campaign to convert the Radio Network from non-commercial to a NPR style format by eliminating the current Pacifica Radio democratic governance system Bylaws!


We must educate on all concerning matters, since an information lock-down for at least 5 years has existed at KPFK 90.7 FM Radio Station in Los Angeles, CA, including the convenient recent 3 yr Covidlock-down by former Station Managers.  But permitting those trusted, who support a “New Day” mindset Campaign to take over the Pacifica Foundation through stealth actions.  Consequently, a run-away PNB-Pacifica National Board Director pool have taken over, with a support team network wide. These folks do not uphold the Foundation Bylaws.  Instead, financial mismanagement without adequate accountability at the local and national level, have been crippling the Radio Network…  Now the solution by this PNB is to sell the KPFK 90.7 FM building without even a fiscal plan for relocation or consulting the LSB-Local Station Board or Foundation Membership!

This is a petition to remove/recall the unscrupulous members at the Pacifica National Board, and Local Station Boards, who plotted to remain in office, despite the expiration of their terms, in violation of term limits in the Pacifica Foundation’s Bylaws.

Bylaws:  Article Four, Delegates, Section 3: Election of Delegates

Specific language for Delegate Terms in office…

We, the undersigned concerned members of the five-radio-station Pacifica National Network seek the immediate removal of 15 members of the five Local Station Boards (LSBs) whose terms either expired on 12-31-22 or who were termed out after six years under the provision of the Pacifica Bylaws.  

These 15 members who refused to vacate their seats and allow the Foundation Bylaws mandated process for their replacement to be seated, are members of a variously named faction now known as “New Day,” which has the majority voting control of the 22 member PNB – Pacifica National Board elected by the Local Station Boards (4 from each). 

Although there is a belated current Network wide election for the LSBs (Local Station Boards) (due to cancellation of the 2022 election by the PNB-Pacifica National Board), this Petition nevertheless seeks the removal as soon as possible of each of 15 previously elected Networ-Wide LSB Members whose terms expired 12-31-2022.  This PNB has been operating stealth-like…

The Pacifica Foundation’s Bylaws and Mission Statement can be accessed (and much more) at:   Click on “About Us” Also, at: , each of the Five Radio Stations’ LSBs (Local Station Boards) post their local Board Committee meeting announcements, with agendas and Minutes.

Except on January 5, 2023, the KPFK LSB-Local Station Board was denied posting rights at the site because a majority of the Board members stoop up in protest to the PNB derelict actions, which were in CLEAR violation of the Foundation Bylaws.

The Pacifica Foundation’s Bylaws and Mission Statement can be access and much more at:   Click on “About Us”  Also, at each of the Five Radio Stations’  LSB-Local Station Boards post  its local Board Committee meeting announcements, with Agendas and Minutes.

Except on Jan. 15, 23, the KPFK LSB-Local Station Board was denied posting rights at the site because a majority of the Board members stood up in protest to the PNB derelict actions, adverse to the Foundation Bylaws.

22 Directors are elected (4 by each Station)  to the Pacifica National Board, they enjoy a majority voting control that represents a Corporate Take-Over by a group under different prior identities and most recent as “NEW DAY”, but this year also using another identity “.

This is a Pacifica network-wide petition, which requires 2% signature/endorsement from either of two-membership classes within Pacifica Radio Foundation; the Staff (paid/volunteer, and or from the listener membership (Listener minimum annual membership is $25.00). 

Even though there is a current Network LSB Election underway, is belated due to last year’s 2022 Election cancellation by the PNB-Pacifica National Board.  Therefore, this Petition seeks urgent recall-removal as soon as possible this year 2023 of each of the 15 previously elected Network-Wide LSB Members that have expired 12-31-2022 .

Here are all PNB Directors from the Pacifica Network that support theNew Day Propaganda and None supporters ( only 2) of the Corporate Take-Over by New Day for several years and to date 2023: 

KPFA Berkeley, CA Directors: Donald Goldmacher, James Mc Fadden, Darlene Pagano and Mark Van Landuyt.  Since Jan. 2023, Donald Goldmacher was replaced by Akio Tenaka (termed out) and Mark Van Landuyt was replaced by Fred Dotsworth, both New Day supporters as well.

KPFT Houston, TX Directors: Teresa Allen, Marianne Martinez, Egberto Willies and Susan Young.  Since Jan. 2023, Susan Young was replaced by Adriana Casenave, an absolutely no supporter of New Day.

WPFW Washington, DC Directors: Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, Sue Goodwin, Donna Grimes and Julie Hewitt, PNB Chair.

KPFK Los Angeles Directors: Evelia Jones, Ali Lexa Al-Hilali (termed out), Lawrence Reyes (sadly, he passed away 12-31-22, no supporter of New Day) and Elizabeth von Gunten, she wears two hats: bad side/good side, deceivingly.

WBAI New York, NY Directors: James Dingeman, Shawn Rhodes, James Sagurton (termed out), and Sharonne Salaam (termed out), she is no supporter of New Day.

Also the Affiliate Directors: Heather Gray-WRFG, Atlanta, GA (elected 12-19-2019) and Burt Cohen-WSCA, Portsmouth, NH.  Since Jan. 2023, Burt Cohen was replaced byWilliam Foster Jr.  All New Day supporters.

Here is the Pacifica Network wide list of current 2023 PNB-Pacifica National Board Directors, all but TWO are not in support of New Day take-over.  Please notice there are 5 Termed out Directors. Only 2 out of 22 Directors stand up against the New Day Campaign: (Elected Jan/2023) KPFT-Listener Adriana Casenave and WBAI-Listener Sharonne Salaam.

Teresa J. Allen, KPFT, Listener
Jim Dingeman, WBAI, Listener
Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, WPFW, Listener
Fred Dodsworth, KPFA, Listener
William Foster Jr., Affiliate
Sue Goodwin, WPFW, Staff
Heather Gray, WRFG, Affiliate
Donna Grimes, WPFW, Listener
Julie Hewitt, WPFW, Listener
Lawrence Reyes, KPFK, Listener (Lawrence passed away 12-31-22 !)
Evelia Jones, KPFK, Listener
Ali Lexa, KPFK, Staff
Marianne Martinez, KPFT, Listener
James McFadden, KPFA, Listener
Darlene Pagano, KPFA, Staff
Shawn Rhodes, WBAI, Staff
James Sagurton, WBAI, Listener
Akio Tanaka, KPFA, Listener
Beth von Gunten, KPFK, Listener
Egberto Willies, KPFT, Staff

Too many Network Candidates are running for your vote, but sadly the majority support the “New Day” propaganda. A Corporate take over strategy to convert the Network Programming to a Commercial Format.

*Please know about the Candidates before casting your vote.

Official Pacifica Network wide current list of all Candidates at:

Following, are current PNB Directors (LSB Delegates, some termed out) and other network LSB Delegates, (some are now running as (C) Candidates) per each Radio Station that support the “New Day” project…

KPFA: Fred Dodsworth, James McFadden, Darlene Pagano, Akio Tanaka.

KPFK: Currently, there are 14 New Day Candidates, and one half & half: Beth von Gunten (half & half), Jan Goodman (New Day Leader), Vinnie De Stefano, Michael Heiss, Ruth H. Strauss, Evelia Jones, Antonio Garcia, Gurumantra Khalsa, Kat Kramer, Steven Meeks, Nancy Niparko, Robert Payne, Nancy Pearlman, Harvey Wasserman and Adam Harris Wolman.

KPFT: Teresa J, Allen, Marianne Martinez, Egberto Willies.

WBAI:Jim Dingeman, Shawn Rhodes, Sharonne Salaam, Jim Dingeman.

WPFW: Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, Donna Grimes, Sue Goodwin, Julie Hewitt.

Affiliates: William Foster Jr, William Foster Jr.

Since the Court Judge ruling in March 2023 demanding a Pacifica Foundation Network-Wide Election be conducted asap, to make up for last year’s cancellation by the PNB, these PNB-Directors, saw it fit to further manipulate the process.  Consequently, they truncate the time lines for both, the Membership date of record by June 30th, 23 and the Candidacy by July 6th or 7th, with various incoherent interruptions and not hiring LES-Local Election Supervisors for each of the Five National Radio Stations!

Thus, many Candidates not in support of the New Day Campaign were disqualified without cause!  At KPFT Houstin, TX, at least 8 Candidates were never included in the initial Candidate list, so they face hurdles to obtain proper endorsements by deadline!  The same occurred at WPFW in Washington, DC.

Background reasons: the PNB-Pacifica National Board Directors unilaterally canceled/suspended last year’s 2022 Network Election cycle, required by the foundation’s bylaws, and also extended their terms in office beyond the 6-year maximum per bylaws, unilaterally and unlawfully violated the Foundation’s Bylaws and relevant California laws, which govern the foundation…

The concerned membership no longer tolerates being ignored. Their rights as members are codified under California’s Non-Profit Corporation Codes: 5220 through 5224, found here: 2013 California Code Corporations Code – CORP TITLE 1. CORPORATIONS DIVISION 2. NONPROFIT CORPORATION LAW PART 2. NONPROFIT PUBLIC BENEFIT CORPORATIONS CHAPTER 2. Directors and Management ARTICLE 2. Selection, Removal and Resignation of Directors 5220.

Universal Citation: CA Corp Code § 5220 (2013): No amendment of the articles or bylaws may extend the term of a director beyond that for which the director was elected, nor may any bylaw provision increasing the terms of directors be adopted without approval of the members (Section 5034).

2013 California Code Corporations Code – CORP, TITLE 1. CORPORATIONS
CHAPTER 2. Directors and Management
ARTICLE 2. Selection, Removal and Resignation of Directors 5223
. Universal Citation: CA Corp Code § 5223 (2013)

If you grasp the gravity of the above Bylaws violations and consequent harm to the Pacifica Radio Foundation, please sign this Petition A.S.A.P 

This petition also demands the recall of the paid Pacifica legal counsel/contractor Arthur Schwartz, who has unlawfully supported broad violations by the PNB Directors in the majority concerning the Pacifica Foundation’s Bylaws and CA Non Profit Corp. Laws. While simultaneously also holding an on-air broadcast hour, on the Foundation’s Radio Station WBAI 99.5 FM in New York City.  We see this as a glaring conflict of interest.  As well we seek the removal of the Foundation Executive Director Stephanie Wells, in office two years, no review of her performance has been conducted, per the Bylaws. Ms. wells has dismissed formidable Loan options presented to the Foundation, to help it pay down its high outstanding Vendor payable obligations.

PNB adopted detrimental Resolutions in somewhat chronological time line:

Whereas, during 2021, the PNB Elections Committee expressed concern through Motions submitted to the PNB General Assembly to begin the plan, for the 2022 timeline certain of the Pacifica National LSB Election cycle.  But this issue was postponed without a time certain to be placed on its Agenda again, in effect cancelled.

Whereas, again as late as Sep. 13 2021 four Pacifica National Board Directors in the minority, by then fearing the intention of the rogue Board majority to cancel the next scheduled Pacifica Network LSB Election cycle in 2022, were compelled to call for an Emergency Meeting of the PNB general assembly, to address Director & Delegate access to information and compliance with Open meeting requirements, implementation of the PNB motion re. member notification of Referendum results, and Delegate elections progress at the halfway point of voting.
Those four conscientious Directors:
DeWayne Lark-KPFT, Ralph Poynter-WBAI, Lawrence Reyes-KPFK (passed away 12-31-22), and Thomas O’Rourke-WPFW, however were outvoted.  Those PNB Directors dissenting, were removed or replaced, further reducing the very thin dissenting vote margin at the PNB GA.

Whereas, PNB General Open session meeting 10-07-21, critical Election Motion and others were considered.  The PNB Elections Committee Motion requesting an extension of the then current Pacifica National LSB Elections, also requested a mutual meeting of the PNB General Assembly and the PNB Elections Committee but was voted down by the PNB General Assembly.  The interpretation here is that this majority PNB had already made a private decision not to conduct the 2022 National Election, or they would then risk losing their majority control!

Whereas, by December 22, 2021 instead of scheduling the 2022 Pacifica National LSB-Local Station Board Elections, the PNB held a special meeting in Executive Session, reason for Executive Session: Interviews with candidates for Executive Director.  This is a confidential personnel issue. This Special meeting was called by members of the Personnel Committee: Alex Steinberg, Sandra Rawline, Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, Ali Lexa, Tom Voorhees, Heather Gray.  The PNB’s reasoning to not hold the 2022 Election was that there were no funds available to hold the 2022 Pacifica Foundation National LSB Elections.

Whereas, by October 20-22 the soon to Expire five PNB Directors on 12-31-22: Ali Lexa-KPFK, Julie Hewitt-WPFW, James Sagurton-WBAI, Sharonne Salaam and Ali Tanaka proceeded to influence adoption of some critical Bylaws Violations… 

*Advanced an anticipated private PNB GA decision not to hold LSB Delegate network wide elections for the five LSB-Local Station Boards: adopted a Resolution to not replace all Network wide expired elected LSB members or Delegates with the “runners-up” from the standby list from the earlier LSB election in 2021 per the Pacifica Bylaws.  

Source-PNB Minutes 10-20-22: 

Pacifica National Board- Special Meeting, Thursday, October 20, 2022, 8:30 PM ET
Agenda PDF 
Minutes PDF 
Posted Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Play or Download Part 1Part 2Part 3
KPFT Outreach Committee-Thursday, October 20, 2022, 6:15 PM CT
Draft Agenda – KPFT Outreach Committee
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda Approval
4. Minutes Approval
5. Outreach Report, Q and A – KPFT staff
6. Upcoming Outreach Activities and other Unfinished Business
7. New Outreach Business
8. Review Action Items
9. Next meeting date/time
10. Adjourn
Posted Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Play or Download Part 1
Pacifica National Board- Special Meeting, Thursday, October 20, 2022, 8:30 PM ET
  • Elections Committee – 20 min. [see APPENDIX for one of the 4 motions]

A motion was proposed by the Elections Committee concerning postponing the PNB elections.

There were objections to the motion, and several motions to amend. A substitute motion was proposed as follows:

The Pacifica National Elections Committee moves that the Pacifica National Board work with Pacifica management to:

  • Notify the Pacifica membership that Pacifica Management has stated that there are no funds available for the bylaws mandated 2022 Local Station Board Elections.
  • In the event that bylaws mandated 2022 Delegate Elections do not occur, ensure that as Local Station Board Delegates end their terms in December of 2022, vacant Delegate seats will be extended for those terming out and will not be filled by those defeated in a past election. And further ensure that the 2023 Local Station Boards will elect PNB Directors in January of 2023 and these new Directors will be on the boards for part or all of the year 2023 depending on when new elections are held.

Who voted for or against the above 2 Resolutions: To cancel the 2022 national LSB Elections and extend termed out or expired PNB Directors and its supporting network across the Five Radio Stations beyond the 12-31-2022 6 year deadline per the Bylaws!

Voting yes were: Teresa Allen, Heather Gray, Evelia Jones, Ali Lexa, Marianne Martinez, Darlene Pagano, James Sagurton, Ali Tanaka, Mark Van Landuyt, Beth von Gunten, Egberto Willies, and Susan Young.

Voting no were: Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, James McFadden, Lawrence Reyes, and Shawn Rhodes.  

The vote being 12 yes and 4 noes, the motion carried.

Background: The Foundation Bylaws protocol for “runners-up” are Candidates that did not receive enough votes to get elected to any of the five network Local Station Boards, but do remain in the order of their votes, ready to replace any future board member that resign, pass away, or has 3 consecutive unexcused absences at their respective Local Station Board meetings.  

In fact, this PNB GA met to Rescind and Replace PNB Elections Committee’s Motion concerning the 2022 LSB Elections; was amended or Substituted by Directors KPFA-Aki Tanaka and WBAI-James Sagurton.

Whereas, to cancel the 2022 Elections and not replace expired LSB Delegates YE 2022, these soon to Expire Pacifica LSB Network Members knowing full well of their standing to expire by 12-31-22, in premeditated action, canceled last year’s Pacifica Radio Network LSB-Local Station Board Elections.  Therefore, placing the entire Foundation in a tailspin out of Bylaws compliance.

Whereas, Pursuant to such Bylaws violations by the PNB, the entire Pacifica Foundation Radio Network was placed into an unlawful composition and disarray. 

Whereas, Resulting Bylaws violation: Each Network Local Station Board by January, after LSB Elections must elect new PNB Directors.  Only Los Angeles, CA Radio Station KPFK 90.7 FM, did follow the Bylaws by replacing each of its Three termed out Members with next Runner ups from the last elections 2021 at its first LSB meeting in Jan, 2023, through proper procedure.  Then also held its Officers Election, and PNB Director Elections by February.

However, the PNB to date has not acknowledged such elected KPFK officials, because it is the only Pacifica Network Radio Station that has stood its ground upholding the Bylaws.

Further in February 2023, the PNB Directors created a parallel illegitimate KPFK-LSB body to circumvent the legitimately KPFK-LSB elected body! 

This fake parallel LSB was not able to reach quorum (13 out of 24 members) till April 16 (while incorporating termed out members and others who resigned and previously missed 3 consecutive meetings, so were replaced per the Bylaws), but has been conducting business).  

If you grasp the gravity of the above Bylaws violations and consequent harm to the Pacifica Radio Foundation, please sign this Petition A.S.A.P. 


To learn about the Pacifica (Radio) Foundation, Inc. Station Boards Elections, go here:

Election results to be announced on 10-10-2023…

This Petition is work in progress.  Completion to follow  soon…

Please sign this Petition and identify your Pacifica Radio station, position and association.


Endorse this Recall Petition at:

When you endorse it, along with your name, email, also leave a comment identifying which Pacifica Radio Station you listen to and if you hold any position at that Station. Much appreciated. This info will be very helpful. Thank you so very much for your commitment.
